Top 4 ways to create a cohesive Instagram feed.

Top 4 ways to create a cohesive Instagram feed.

One way to succeed on Instagram is by sharing unique images, use strategic hashtags, and like your ideal client’s content. Sounds simple right? Well maybe so, there are other strategies to consider but let me share with you why creating a cohesive feed might help you grow a lot faster too!

Creating a cohesive feed can feel tricky if you’re just starting out, but one way to simplify things is to be consistent and keep your feed as minimalistic as possible. Your images don’t have to be perfect but the more clear the better. Or if you create your graphics they can have a simple look to it especially if the quote if something that appeals to your audience and they can bring it thousands of likes.

-A beautiful and strategic image can help you gain lots of Likes.

-An organized and effective feed can help you gain lots of follows.

In order to attract the right people you have to know who to target specifically. Understanding your audience can be the key to having success on instagram.

Here’s your 4 ways to creating a Cohesive Instagram Feed


Pick colors that resonate with your brand. Stay consistent because the more you stick with it the better you get. By sticking to your color you actually get clearer with your message and your brand. Usually, this is one of the hardest ones for most business owners. Because they find themselves posting different colors all at once creating confusion amongst their ideal clients. Once you get the hang of it, it will come to you more naturally.


When it comes to editing your photos, make sure they don’t look grainy or overexposed. Another common mistake with creative business owners is that they post photos that too bright or too dark. Creating a very unbalanced feed, which in turn can turn your peeps away. By keeping it crisp and clear you can showcase a beautiful like-magazine feed. Making other users like and follow your account.

Daily Treats


Finding your authentic voice and letting your ideal client feel your passion over text can be rewarding. Captions are so important because once they consume your photo they’ll likely to read your caption. So here’s the deal, are you funny, sarcastic, serious, motivational, fearless, or bubbly? Whatever your style may be, always deliver valuable content that pertains to your business. It’s just like speaking to your best friend. This way you’ll know exactly who you’re speaking to and again they’ll be willing to interact with you.


Finding a time to create content for days is the best thing you could do to yourself. Why? Because it saves you from getting stressed and overwhelmed. It’s that easy. Well, it’s supposed to give you a sense of relief. Find a time during the weekend or once you get off work and start creating posts. This way your audience can expect to receive quality content each and every day and they’d be willing to stick around for a bit because you’re being consistent by posting daily. Plus, it gives you the flexibility to do something completely different. So in case you get very busy with a thousand things to do, You can go and hang out and watch your favorite movie with your partner.

In summary:

Get creative and show some personality. There’s nothing wrong with your sharing your best work especially if it’s aligned with you and your values and your mission. And finally test, test, test things out. You’ll know exactly what works and what doesn’t when you test things.

Other interesting facts you must know:

  • The color blue receives more likes than red images.
  • Images with low saturation receive 18% more likes than vibrant ones. Dang filters, seriously.
  • And finally, higher levels of textures receive 79% more likes. Yikes!

By the way, don’t forget to follow me on Instagram.

Want to learn more about Instagram Highlights and why they are the perfect formula to attracting more dreamy clients? Then check out this blog post on How to create catchy Instagram Highlights

Ready to learn how to create a message that’s in alignment with your dreamy clients? Then, make sure you grab this FREE Guide when you add your details below.