Want to know how to optimize your Instagram bio that attracts followers to you? Keep reading because I’m going to show you how.

Optimize your Instagram bio for more growth

The one thing most clients come to me for is to optimize their Instagram profile. Why? Because that’s the number one thing potential followers look at the moment they land on their profile. So you want to have this piece fully set up so they can check out the rest of your page. 

Not only that, but this also positions you as the expert. It creates curiosity and it helps those decide whether to give you a follow or not. All of this happens in a matter of 3-5 seconds. Yep, it happens that fast.

So let’s dive deeper. 

This is what your bio looks like entirely. And there are 5 important sections to look at:

  1. You have a profile image. 
  2. Your username. 
  3. Your name.
  4. Your bio. 
  5. Your website link. 

Profile image. 

Your profile is the first thing you want to work on to optimize your bio. Plus, it’s the first thing people see when they first land on your page. This tells your audience if you are a real person or not.

These days it is hard to tell who is real and who isn’t because to me if I see a logo that almost makes me think the account I’m looking at is not very human. Note: I’m all about a human connection. 

You want to make sure you have a face that people can see. Now, I can hear some people saying… “I don’t have a professional photo to use?” Don’t worry my friend, you can actually use your phone, good lighting and canva to make your image stand out. (Especially if your background has a few things you want to remove.)

What I recommend is that you share your face so that your audience can see who you are. I’ve seen people wear sunglasses before and honestly, I feel this is a bit distracting. Yes, the whole point is to stand out but there are other ways to do that. Which we will go over in a few.

Your Username

This section is just as important, especially if you want to stand out. Too often I see accounts like brenda123!8 or saraaaaa2792!_ and accounts like this don’t really stand out but instead show up as spam so if you have a difficult username… It’s going to be hard for others to remember you.

The goal is to have an easy to remember username so when ideal clients are looking for you they know exactly what to search for. Make it easy for ideal clients to find you on Instagram.

The best thing you can do here is to stick to your brand’s name.

For example, my business is socialsavvico.com so my Instagram username is @socialsavvico and that helps potential clients look me up easily and quickly.

Your Name 

Let’s talk about this section because I feel like it’s also a vital piece to optimize your Instagram bio. This section will show up in bold. But more than that, this section is searchable on Instagram and it acts like SEO if you didn’t know. 

So what’s that mean? Well, it means that when a potential client is searching for help they look up things like: Coach, healer, Marketing expert, virtual assistant, business coach etc. OR now that everything is practically searchable, they can type in just a word and not just hashtags. Anything related to that topic or keyword is going to show up under that specific word or even phrase.

I talk about this on this post – How to create your own Instagram hashtag lists

So make sure to check it out. 


Now, we are on with juicy stuff. And this part is probably the most important one to fully optimize your bio because it’s here where you’re able to make your biggest impression. This is where you have to use your creativity a bit more because you have very limited space to share with potential followers who you are, what you do, and how you actually help them.

If you’re a coach, course creator, or online service provider this formula can help you get super clear next time you want to tweak your bio… Here you go:

Instagram bio structure

Just remember that you only have around 150 characters to play with. Make sure to add emoji’s to add a little bit of color so it doesn’t look so plain. Play with it and have fun. 

Finally, you can now work on the last piece of the puzzle. It might seem like a puzzle at first but trust me it gets easy once you get the hang of it. 😂 

Here you get to show your expertise. Not only does it help you optimize your bio but it positions you as the authority in your field and not another “friendly face”.

This is where you add your call to action or CTA for short. You want to make sure this part of your bio explains in short what you have to offer for your followers. Make this as specific as possible.

Let’s say you’re a health coach and you help women lose weight. What you can add as your call to action can be something like: Lose 10lbs in 10 days fast.

You can definitely add other words like Download, Get access, Join, etc but just know that you might be limited. I always recommend you add “the results” of what your potential ideal clients might get rather than telling them to download that free checklist, or free guide, or join that program.

In summary

If you want to optimize your bio, it should be as clear as a see through glass. And consist of the 5 key sections I’ve shared above: 

You have a profile image, your username, your name, your bio, and your website link. 

Of course, it won’t be perfect the first time you work on optimizing your bio but the more you tweak it the closer you get to discovering what it is that you do and how you can actually help your potential clients.

Also, make sure to add some color to your bio by using your top favorite emojis and yes don’t overdo it, of course, but stay on brand as much as you can. 

Once you’ve added all of your details and your emojis make sure to stick to the 150 characters so it all fits perfectly for the world to see. 

Now, if you want to learn the 5 foolproof Instagram strategies you need to grow your brand, then this free checklist is for you! Or click the image to get access too.