Instagram has many great features to help you grow your business. Let me show you how to build an easy Instagram funnel for more email subscribers.

build an easy Instagram funnel for more email subscribers

If there’s one thing I love about this platform is the many features it has that you can use to attract more leads. But as with any other social media platforms, there are some downs to them. There are yearly updates they have going on that makes this platform hard to access when it’s completely down.

So today, I’m going to share with you 6 things you need in order to create a powerful funnel that brings in leads on autopilot so you can start growing your list now!

Now before getting started, this strategy is pretty simple to use. However, once you get all the parts into place you can create a powerful machine that can bring in lots of super fans to your profile.

Also, if you want to learn the 5 key components you need to grow your tribe then this Instagram checklist is for you.

Alright, now let’s get started.

What’s a sales funnel?

A sales funnel is a series of connecting points that takes the buyer into a journey. From their first interaction with your brand to the final purchase of a program you’re offering. It is the path that turns the visitor into a hot lead and finally a super fan customer.

Ideally the way you get this whole process started is by first giving them something of value such as a tip, hack, technique, etc that solves a quick problem for them. You then offer them a lead magnet or low ticket offer to help them with another problem they have that relates to the first issue they had to begin with.

Let me give you 6 Instagram key pillars that you need in order to take your client on a journey so they can go from a visitor to a super fan customer. And usually it goes in this order:

  • Optimized bio 
  • Your branded feed 
  • High converting content
  • Relevant Hashtags 
  • Engagement
  • Stories that sell

Now, let me break this down a bit so you know exactly what each means.

Optimized Bio

The first step is to create an optimized bio that helps attract those visitors. You want to have a clear bio that helps people remember you at all times. So think of ways to turn your bio into a highly magnetic machine that pretty much does the selling for you. And of course, make sure you add a call to action (CTA) to help close the deal for you. This call to action has to drive people to click on that pretty link you have on your bio. The best way to do this is by sharing the outcome they want to have. So instead of just adding a link say something like: 10 ways to lose weight eating what you love. Of course, this is a bit lengthy but you need to narrow it down so that it makes sense for your audience.

A branded feed

This means you get to create a beautiful aesthetic feed that explains a bit about your brand in a visual way. This can be done by creating a theme. There are many themes you can use so pick a theme that makes sense to you and your brand. Now, you can also use presets and filters to keep your account looking cohesive. What I always say stick with 3-5 colors so everything can stay on brand and it’s not all over the place. An aesthetic feed is key to attracting more followers that will stick around for as long as you keep everything consistent.

High converting content

This one is probably the most important of all because your content/message is what helps bring in the leads. Having a message that’s aligned with your mission is what helps you show up as your authentic self and you want that so your audience can connect with you in a deeper level. So how do you figure out your message? Well, by storytelling. Create content that shares your why, your successes and even some of your failures. What you want to add is the emotion of how you felt in a few particular instances and this will lock in your audience to stay and read your content every single  time you post. There are a couple of ways to share your content and that can be through video, writing or even audio but since we are speaking of Instagram you’ll need video and writing the most. The audio works best when you’re in your dm’s.

Relevant Hashtags 

Let’s talk about your hashtags. Hashtags are another way to optimize your Instagram funnel. Why? Because these act like SEO on Instagram. Hashtags are what bring in more visibility for you. And the way this works is you use between 10-30 hashtags that your ideal clients use so that your posts can show up in the right places. Now, you want to stay away from using oversized hashtags meaning hashtags that are too general like: love, like, entrepreneur, etc. So finding hashtags that are less crowded means your posts become more visible.

What I recommend is use hashtags that have less than 800,000 posts. Anything more than that becomes crowded and everything gets lost in the masses. The same thing with hashtags that are less than 10,000 they might be too small meaning they aren’t moving quick enough. Not that they are meant to move super fast but you do want them to be active enough. Anything over a week means the content within that hashtag isn’t worth using. I’ve got a full blog post to help you with this. Check it out here >>> How to explode your Instagram growth with Hashtags.


Now that you are getting visible its time for you to engage with those engaging with your content. But why do you want to do this? Because when you reply to comments it signals Instagram that you are being part of the Instagram community. The more you engage the better meaning the algorithm is now in your favor. The more comments you get the more Instagram shows your content to other potential accounts and of course you experience more growth this way.

Another way to get more engagement is by adding calls to actions to your posts. For example you can ask a question, or ask them to double tap your post, or send them to your bio to click the link or send them to your dm to access a specific thing or save your post.

What matters is that you give your people some sort of direction so they know what action to take next. Make it as simple as possible so they know exactly what to do. Having this in place will position you as the authority in your field making your Instagram funnel even more effective since you are replying back to those that follow you and answering question. Not only does it tell new followers that you are human but that you care for your community.

Stories that sell

The last part of your Instagram funnel is to create stories that sell. And the way you do this is by sharing a mixture of your personal life so people can relate to you, share techniques that have helped you solve a problem, and by sharing results you’ve helped your clients.

Your people need to see that you show up consistently, but what does that even mean? It means that you get to show up as much as you want. So if that means that you show up three times a week then you commit to that weekly. If that means you show up 5 times a week then you do exactly that. You’ll train your audience this way and they’ll know that you show up this many times throughout the week.

The other thing you want to remember too is that it takes 7-12 times before someone says YES to purchasing what you offer. Showing up consistently and strategically with help turn those followers into hot leads and ultimately turn them into super fans. And who doesn’t want that?

Talk about your offers often but spread them out with other content so that it doesn’t sound repetitive and boring. The idea is to keep your audience entertained. Finally, use the features Instagram has like the stickers to keep your audience engaged at all times. This will not only improve your engagement but will help you determine who is a hot lead and who isn’t. 🙂

Alright, so there you have it. All 6 pillars of a successful Instagram funnel that will help you convert followers into super fan clients.

Want to get deeper with your Instagram funnel? Then get access to my Ascend the algorithm course here 

Ascend the Algorithm will show you how to use aligned organic strategies so you can feel more confident, gain more visibility, and magnetize dreamy clients being all of you.

Now tell me, what was your favorite part of this blog post? Let me know below.