Start a successful blog today

Start A Successful Blog, Today

There are a few things you can do starting a successful blog, today. I’ll give you some of my secrets and share with you what’s helped me.

When I start my blog, I literally had no idea how I could get started. I’ve learned more within the last 3 months than I ever have. So, I’m going to lay for you all the bits and pieces to this puzzle. Ok, and maybe you’ll need something to write with.

The Tools

One thing you should do first if you want to start a successful blog is to have some wifi or fast internet ready because the loading process could take longer depending on your internet. Unless, you’re still on dial-up. Sorry. Glad I’m not there.

An awesome laptop too. Because if you’re like me, you’ll end up in ancient times before you can post anything. I still have Windows Vista? I mean who does that? That’s me for ya.

A phone in case you don’t have to buy a DSLR camera. Seriously, you don’t need to go and buy a new camera. And definitely not a brand new one, when you can simply take pictures with your phone and some good ones too. I use my iPhone 6 to take great pictures.

Of course, some nice editing program like CANVA. I absolutely love this program because it does the tricks just like a regular expensive editing program would. Although, it’s not the same thing but works wonders. And if you get a little artistic you might end up getting better results. Really.

You could get stock photos that are nicer and make your blog look super elegant and fun. Depending on your brand. Keeping it to a minimum is a must for sure, though.

Those are some of the tools you’d need for now.

Getting Started

The first thing I did to get some content was to write a blog post, an about me page, and a Contact me page. I started adding a few later down the road but these were the most important ones for me.

I downloaded a nice theme I felt would flow with my personality and I created a logo with Canva. Pretty sweet deal and very simple to make.

Before you start a successful blog, one thing to keep in mind is when you get a domain name you get to keep it until its time to renew your domain. You keep it for a bit and you can’t change it after that. After all, you’re renting space to host it.

Also, let’s not forget like I did about your Social Media accounts. Make sure that all your social accounts have the same pictures across the board and the content you have relates to yourself right now. If you’re trying to make a profit out of it.

Once you have the domain a great place to get a theme from Bluchic and they have the most elegant and feminine themes. They combine beauty and bold with very specific niche architecture to convert prospects into actual paying clients. Whatever you do they will match a theme that works just for you. I love that about Bluchic.

Writing a Post that works.

Now, the content you deliver is what’s going to bring about the peeps. Consider writing about things you love and enjoy. And keep it interesting, it’s not like you’re writing an essay for school lol. Keep it fresh and simple to a T.

The length of the post depends on you and the usual is about 300 words. Now, if you want to be an extremist then you can post more and it’s actually better for you SEO.

And I’ll leave SEO for another topic. This one is going to be different for sure.

Promote, Promote, Promote

Wow, can I get a breather around here! Jeez, you may think this would take forever to follow through and yeah it does take a little bit of time to get through, but the whole point is to stay consistent. You could post once a week, every two weeks or once a month. Depending on your schedule.

Once you’re done with your post you’re going to promote and the reason I say this is because you’re writing with purpose not for it to just sit there and be ignored. I mean at least get your money’s worth.

Another way to start a successful blog is by sharing your content on Pinterest which is one of the fastest way to grow it.

If you want to see growth this is the platform for you, especially if you like to pin others stuff. Create a board that fits with what you’re pinning about and Voila.

Another way to promote is through Twitter, I like twitter because you can post as much as you want here as well. Twitter posts go so quickly. It’s all about your strategy.

So there you have it. I shared some good info and I’ll talk about some other great information you could use to keep your post on top of the game.

And if you have more questions come on to my Facebook group and let’s talk about your blog.

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