How to Use Insta Stories to your Advantage

How to Use Insta-Stories to your Advantage?

Have you ever wonder how you could benefit from Insta-Stories?

Is there a way to even utilize them to create more authenticity and connection? 

If you have been wondering how the heck to get more engagement via Stories…

Then let me share with you some tips that you can use today to create instant connection with your tribe!

Instagram stories are so powerful because you get to create a genuine connection with people. Not because you’re adding all these pretty graphics and they get you… Not at all, in fact, the more you show up via video and share tips, value, and authenticity, the more people will connect with you!

The thing is EVERYONE including myself just give up right away… And we’re not consistent! Consistency is so key to getting something out of your efforts + time!

Video Marketing is the NEW present and the future of Social media!

If you’re not using it consistently you’re going to get left behind! It’s time to up your game and gets really serious because that’s the only way to make it in a sea of copycats and wannabes and everything in between.


Now, before jumping into stories the first thing you have to do is get clear with your message. If you don’t know who you’re speaking to, then it’s going to be hard for people to connect with you! Having a clear message with your own voice is super powerful and it makes a big difference, plus it makes you stand out from all the other noise, honestly.

Some Hacks so you can Start Killing it! 

Let me be completely honest with you. But don’t overthink this, overanalyze, or overdo it! That’s not a good way to get the ball rolling, instead, keep it stupid simple! And just start somewhere especially if you’re the type that likes to keep everything super perfect.

Now on to the good stuff. One of the best ways to get the ball rolling is to start doing Video. Yes, Video. And we spoke about why you should be using it. Essentially what you’re doing is putting yourself as the expert in whatever industry you’re in.

And remember, give people VALUE allow them to understand that you have something good that can help solve a problem. Have that mindset of being of service to others.

I usually recommend that you do 2-5 stories a day just to keep yourself accountable and consistent. Plus, when people see that ring around your profile picture, it makes them believe that you’re online and active!

Treating your stories like a vlog can be the best way to go about it. And of course, you’ll get a ton of practice.

Now, the trick is to tell a story and that’s the reason why they called it “Stories” so you can upload live 15-second video clips of your best work. And by that I don’t mean you documenting every little move you make about what you’re eating for lunch, your best friends, your dog, etc. please don’t make that mistake.

Sample for Insta Stories

What you can do is first start with the “TYPE” post and you can add that as the main cover of whatever it is you’re about to present.

You could start with a morning workout video if you’re in fitness and share a routine via video with some music. Then you could share your best practices for eating healthy or you making a really good recipe to stay toned.

These are super easy ways to build that like, know, trust factor because you’re educating your audience. 

Or if you’re a business coach, you could also share a picture of your journal if that’s what you do in the A.M. and then you could share a video about 5 best practices for keeping a healthy mindset, or you could do a boomerang of you doing client calls.

Whatever it is that you do, get Creative, have Fun, and create Stories that Stand out!

Because let’s be honest… no one has your vibes or way of thinking. 😉

Another hack for you and this is my absolute favorite. You can actually add your location to target your local community! And this is a super powerful tool for your Insta Stories! Or if you want you can use other locations but it’s best to tag your local area so you can get recognize by the locals. That builds massive trust!


And my last hack is to use hashtags in each of your Insta stories! You can use up to 15 hashtags and this helps you get more visible! So be wise about the hashtags you use because you don’t want to use hashtags that have more than 1 million posts nor one that has less than 5,000 posts!

Either way, you either get lost with so many posts or you don’t get seen by any at all! So make sure you use hashtags that are effective for you and your business!

I might need to create a separate post just for hashtags because that’s a whole different topic!

Now that’s all I’ve got for you and I hope you get massive value from this! It’s been a bit since I’ve posted but so glad I’m back!

Want to learn more about Hashtags? Then make sure you read this post:

How to Explode your Instagram Growth with Hashtags

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