When to follow

Should you listen to your gut feeling? Should you listen to it?
What do your feelings tell you?

It depends on what you feel. Because it could be a sign of fear, or concern, but it should be a sign of TRUST.

If you feel a bad vibe then don’t do it. If you feel like it’s a good feeling then go ahead and follow it. If you feel dumb in front of your friends then you should just stay quiet and listen to your gut feeling. Maybe it’s telling you to educate yourself and learn how to talk to people, how to influence them and persuade them. There are a few books I recommend. Like, “How to Win and Influence People”, by Dale Carnegie.

Following your gut feeling usually, means following a positive feeling. It’s more like following your instinct, it’s a moment of growth.

It’s kind of like when you feel excited about following a dream or a passion, you have that gut feeling that gives you conviction and you tell yourself you should do it because it feels right. You follow?

If you have that feeling of, “I should do it”, then do it and go for it. There’s nothing else more exciting than to feel good, and uplifted.

Your gut feeling should tell you can do it, you have a second chance to do things better, you can start things all over. If that’s what you’re hearing then listen closely because that’s what your gut feeling is all about. It’s giving you the answers for personal growth.

Don’t let your gut feeling to tell you, “I can’t do it”, or “I’m not enough”, or “I’m not worth anything”. Because truly, this is Fear speaking to you. All it wants to do is keep your self-esteem down and scared.

Your gut feeling should move you forward. It should prepare you for greatness. However, if you feel like it tells you’re too small for a task, then maybe you aren’t ready and it’s telling you should learn more and prepare so that when the right time comes, you’re ready to take a leap of Faith.

Once you’re ready to take a leap of faith, then your values and your integrity

are aligned to push you towards something greater.

Don’t let guilt get you because you have already gained the skills necessary to Rise and be a better version of you.

Connect with your inner self and let it nurture you, once you do so you’ll have room for Expansion. And there will be nothing else better than hearing your higher being.

