Hiring Passion over skill-set

Hiring passion over skillset to manage your Social Media

There’s no need to hire someone with a major in Marketing to manage your Social Media and even though it could save you a learning curve.

Most Business Owners want to be able to control their lives and manage it well. That’s why it’s important hiring passion over skillset it’s so important. Let them handle the work while you sit back and relax at the beach. How’s that sound? Good.

Choose Passion over Skill-Set.

Do you really think that most Business Owners are gonna have time to keep up with merchandise, employees, and Social Media?

The key to hiring passion over someone who has the skillset is someone who loves Store, Brand, and Industry. It could be a part time worker who has a passion for Social Media. Has great work ethic and loves to write content or schedule posts.

Social Media isn’t hard anyone can learn as long as they have a Passion for what they do. There are plenty of courses online they can learn from.


More than often, just like if you’d hire a photographer to come and take photos for your new product or service and they didn’t deliver like they said they would. Yeah, it could happen. However, keep in mind that there are ways to measure success.

It depends on what you’re looking for as far as Management. There are owners who just want to keep up with competitors likes or engagement or increase your traffic. It all comes down to your specific needs. Some owners may not care about traffic or engagement.

Let your Social Media Manager know especially at the interview, what your definition of success means, so they know what they can bring to the table.

Ask Questions

You may know how to Hire a great sales person but do you know what to ask when it comes to a Social Media Manager?

Here are a few examples:

  • Do you use Social Media personally?
  • What Social Media Platforms are you most familiar with?
  • Are you comfortable checking with our Social Media during the week?
  • What experience do you have with our industry?
  • Are you willing to learn and apply?

Grab the CheatSheet Here

These are just some of the questions you can ask while looking for the right person to manage your Social Media. I know this is going to be extremely helpful.

And in case you missed it, I am a Social Media Manager who loves to help busy Lady Entrepreneurs increase their Visibility using Branding Strategies.

  • If you feel like you’re Stuck in your Business
  • Can’t create Brand Awareness
  • You feel extremely overwhelmed because you have no help
